This piece started with my first visit to the synagogue in Šamorín in 2012. Above the ark of the synagogue is a fresco of the night sky, deep blue with golden stars. Time has eroded the stars either through human hands, the deterioration of the building materials, or likely both.
I think of the humans trying to make the stars their own, and the stories behind that. It is both a destructive and a hopeful act. This uncertainty creates stories for me. They are conflicting stories, as is often the way of real stories.
My installation puts humans back in the story of the stars. When rocking in the rocking chairs we are given time to meditate on the stars, and their disappearance. Our rocking causes the cello bows to slowly wear on the metal bar, gold chips falling and accumulating on the floor. The act is both constructive and destructive, as is often the way of real stories.
My last installation for At Home (A/Musing the Muse 2018), was a reflection on the 67P comet, its cycles, and wanting things that are unreachable to be closer. It also it rooted in my misinterpretation of Mliečnanská, the street At Home Gallery is on. The words translate to Milky Way in English, which I took as the Milky Way of the skies, not of the cows. There is a beauty in misinterpretation. This along with the UFO-like water tower in the distance, while a humorous misinterpretation, has always made At Home a place of convergence for me. This installation asks similar questions to A/Musing the Muse: how we make things that are unreachable reachable, how do we make them our own? Stars are light years away, yet terrestrially present. Can we have them to ourselves? And is there a cost in trying to attain the unattainable?
When a celestial star ends, it is often with a huge bang. When terrestrial stars end, it is quieter, slower. What happens when we try to make stars our own? In Avalanche, your participation completes the piece, as you become part of the celestial and terrestrial cycle.
Amikor egy égi csillag elpusztul, gyakran hatalmas robajjal. Amikor a földi csillagok véget érnek, csendesebb, lassabb. Mi történik, ha megpróbáljuk magunkévá tenni a sztárokat? Az Avalanche-ban részvételed teszi teljessé a darabot, ahogy az égi és földi körforgás részévé válsz.
For card
Vernisáž/ megnyitó/ opening:
Synagóga Šamorín, Mliečńanska 7, 931 01 – Slovakia. Tel: +421 903 255 681 email:athomegallery@gmail.com, www.athomegallery.org